Monday, March 5, 2012

Rose of Sharon - A Little TLC

Before the last freeze warning which was about 3 weeks ago, I was outside with Andrew and noticed multiple new Rose of Sharon shoots that had peeked out from the ground.  These Sharons multiply.  I couldn't just let them freeze, so I brought them inside, placed them in a cup of water and sat them on my kitchen window seal.  This is what they look like now!

This past Saturday I was outside with Andrew once again and there were more of them.  I pulled them up and they sit beside the ones  in the picture above.  They look like this right now.

If you look closely, you'll see little green leaves trying to pop out.  I love watching them make their appearance.  Each morning, they've grown a little more, the leaves are a little larger and sometimes I have to give them more water.

I have transplanted a lot of these in the past 6 years.  They make a pretty fence between my yard and the neighbor's house.  I get to enjoy their lovely blooms and my neighbor does also.  Never mind that it blocks their view of my patio (ha ha) and my view of their electrical box on the side of their house.

These new little sharons will complete the "fence" down the entire side of my back yard and I can't wait!  I'll have many blooms to enjoy during the summer once they get large enough.

We're somewhat similar to these plants.  Everyone needs a little TLC.  It may be a kind word, a smile, a hug, or a note to say hi, I'm thinking of you.   We have to also give ourselves a little TLC.  It may be a bubble bath, a walk outside for fresh air, an affirmation that we are loved by others - anything that is just for us. 

If you don't receive a little TLC from anyone else today, give yourself a little TLC.  While doing so, remember that God's TLC is never ending.  We just have to accept it and realize that it's there even when we don't think about it.

Have a great Monday.


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Love this. So true about being like plants. We all need to be nourished. Your cuttings look amazing already. And with your green thumb I know they will thrive.

P.s. I love you!

Nana B said...

I love you too, Dayle!