Thursday, January 26, 2012

Productive Day...All Because I Was Frustrated

When I get frustrated, I cannot sit.  I either have to go to bed and try to sleep or I get in the spastic mode of doing something that needs to be done.  Today was one of those days.  I took my frustration out on my bathroom vanity drawers, under the sinks and the drawers on my nightstand.  I have them organized and accumulated two kitchen trash bags full of junk; some of it years old.  Some of it has made 3 to 4 moves with me.  Ridiculous.  I'm rather proud that I got those chores done even though a bad day is what prompted me to do them.

Next on the list is hubby's closet.  I have begged and pleaded with him to do it.  He works, he broke his elbow and there have been numerous reasons AND excuses why it hasn't been done.  He had his opportunity!!! LOL  I cleaned out my closet recently and I have nothing left much.  I had clothes that were too small, too big, and clothes that I haven't worn in 5 years.  They are gone.  He may walk into his closet and find nothing left.

When the closet is finished, I'll be doing Andrew's room - again.  I had organized all his toys and separated the "baby toys" from the ones he actually plays with now.  Once he realized they were all organized, he wanted to play with everything.  His little friends who come over from time to time also want to play with everything.  The baby toys are going to be packed and moved out.  I want to paint his room and decorate it for a little boy.  I first thought I'd fix it as a guest bedroom, but I never have guests, so it's going to be his room and if by chance someone visits and stays here, they can use his room.   He sleeps with me anyway, so that won't be a big deal.

Greg is using the 4th bedroom as a weight room.  (Sigh)  His weight bench and accessories  prevent me from using it for anything else.

On another note, my internet service with ATT has driven me bonkers today.  It's been cutting on and off all day.  I spent an hour trying to talk to a person with no luck.  Finally, I was able to get online long enough to chat online with someone and a technician will be here tomorrow afternoon.  If they can't fix the problem, I'm going to bite the bullet and change to Comcast service for internet.  It will cost $20 more per month after a year, but I have cancelled garbage pickup service and will be hauling my trash to the county dump and that saves me $20 per month.  So, we'll see what happens.

I was not in the mood to cook a full meal tonight, so I'm making chicken salad.  Another frustration - I asked my son to buy a loaf of bread and a bag of chips on his way home from work.  He went into the store for something he wanted and "forgot" what I'd asked him to bring home.  GRRRR

Jon's been having back pain - severe back pain and has been to the doctor several times.  He has gotten a round of shots and they have not helped.  He was to work a double shift today and had to leave early because the pain was so bad he was in tears.  He is now in the emergency room and I'm waiting anxiously to hear what they have to say.  He's gone before for the same problem and I'm hoping this time they will do all the tests necessary to find out what's causing this.  Please keep him in your prayers.

Right now, I'm listening to American Idol try-outs and dear me.  Some of these people amaze me - not in a good way.  I do not like the audition portion of this show.  They didn't ask me, though.  HA HA HA

I've rambled enough - more than enough.

Be safe~!