Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Johnny

Today is my older brother's birthday.  Johnny is a special guy, always has been.  Growing up together, he was the person I went to when I needed to vent.  I was the one he talked to when he needed to discuss girlfriends among other things. 
This photo was taken Christmas 2011.  It's not a good quality one, but I liked it because he didn't know it was being taken and you can clearly see he's smiling as he looks at his first and only grandson. 

Miles separate us now, but we do talk on the phone at various times.  He retired from the US Postal Service, but cannot stop working on something.  He definitely isn't lazy.  He will find something to do no matter what and if he's not physically doing something, he's thinking about something he can or wants to do.  He's currently building a house close to the parents. 

I admire Johnny so much.  I know if I needed him, he'd be here as soon as he could.  If I needed to just talk, he wouldn't care if I called him any hour of the day.  He knows I feel the same.  We share a bond and understand each other (most of the time ha ha).

Happy Birthday, Johnny.  I won't joke with you here about being older than me.  I'll save that for the phone call!  I love you dearly.