Sunday, March 4, 2012


I guess at some point and for reasons I won't understand, all computers crash or decide to "burp".  Whatever happens, happened to mine.  I've lost graphics on my blog (which I had open at the time) and my pictures which were grouped by month have moved around.  Maybe it was an earthquake on my hard drive.  Maybe it was an almost 3 year old little boy who decided he would push buttons.   Regardless,  I now have to re-work my pictures folder and learn how to put graphics on my blog.  Oh joy.  It's certainly not a task I will attempt with Andrew here. LOL

It's been a cold Sunday here.  The wind feels like it cuts right through me.  Andrew couldn't care less.  He says he's warm and is outside riding the 4-wheeler.  He's bundled up though so hopefully my little man isn't cold.  His mom will be here to get him in a couple of hours.  (Boo hoo)

Dale is outside surveying the broken fence.  We just may be going to small claims court.  First, we'll give the company who built it the opportunity to make it right although we don't expect it to happen.  We will also be putting a big sign out by the road with the company's name on it.    Meanwhile, the horses have to stay in the back area where there's very little grass.  I'm guessing we'll have to get rid of them if that company doesn't fix the fence.  We certainly can't afford to.  We never ride them but I enjoy seeing them out grazing, running and then coming up to us so we'll pet them.  Drew loves them.  I can't imagine how many questions he'd ask if they were gone.  He's still asking about Buddy and actually got on his little 4-wheeler headed towards the woods saying he was going to go find Buddy.  I had told him Buddy went bye bye.   He decided he could find him.  Is that precious or what?

That's all till next time.  Enjoy the rest of your day.

1 comment:

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Kids bring us so much joy ... and can also wreak havoc on our stuff. LOL! Sorry about your computer. That's no fun.

I guess I didn't know about your fence issues, but hopefully the builders will do the right thing for you.

Loved the story of Andrew going to find Murphy. Precious.