Thursday, July 12, 2012

Books Books Books

My mother loves books.  That's putting it mildly.  Those of you who have been to her house know that books are everywhere.  There's not a room in the house without books.  Well maybe the laundry room doesn't have books, but there are magazines stored in there.  I would guess she probably hasn't read more than a part of each book. 

I've encouraged Mother to donate most to a church library.  If she started reading now and didn't stop, there's no way she could read all of those books unless she lives to be 100.  Bless her heart, she just can't seem to part with them.  The reason is quite simple, I believe.  It is because of her childhood.  She would go to bed at night and read.  Her dad did not like it that she read after she went to bed and would demand that she cut off the light and stop reading.   Maybe she stayed up too late reading.  I don't know, but I do believe that's the reason she has so many books.  After she married, no one could tell her not to read and not to have books. 

My book collection is probably less than a tenth of what Mother has accumulated over the years.  I  have nowhere to put them other than in boxes or storage tubs.  I decided they were doing no one any good if they were being stored.  So, over the past month I have gathered them in one place, gone through each one and have them boxed to take to my sister-in-law who is involved in the literary guild.  The books will be put to good use and I'm delighted.  My boys would never read my books so there's no point in keeping them.   I kept a few - some that were special or gifts but there's one collection  I'm keeping.  Those are my Guideposts books.  Each year for Christmas, Daddy and Mother have given  each of their children a Guidepost book for Christmas.  They are priceless.  It's my parents' way (mostly Mother's) of making sure we something to help us get through life and to re-read even after she's gone.  The Guidepost is my favorite gift every Christmas.   It's my daily devotional and if I get too busy to read it first thing each morning, something is missing in my day.
I love my parents and am very thankful that they are still with us.  Look to the left of Daddy and you will see a tack of books! 

Mother will never part with her books.  And that's okay.  I think she she likes knowing they are there should she "ever get around to reading them".  That's her reason for keeping them.  She hopes she will find the time to read them.  I hope she does!


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I so remember all of your mom's stacks of books. She's every author's dream. Hehe .. I'm a book lover too and have more than room allows. I keep planning a mini library one day.

Gayle said...

Your mother is definitely a book-a-holic. If she's at a convention anywhere, she's loaded down with books. Books are hard to part with. Maybe she's read them all?