Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Happy Place

If you know me, you know that I love working in my yard.  I call it yard therapy because when I'm out there working, my problems are far from my mind.  I forget about everything while I'm digging in the dirt, planting flowers, pulling weeds, mowing grass or just walking around the yard admiring my flowers.  Most every day I walk around the yard to see what has grown, bloomed or needs pinching off to encourage more blooms. 

This is one view from my patio.  It does not capture the entire back yard.  Everything you see here (with the exception of the grass) beginning with the rocks and to the large trees in the background, I planted.  Rocks were gathered from the back of our land, the horse pasture and from my neighbor's land.  Days were spent digging up rocks, putting them on the front of the riding mower or in the wheel barrow and struggling to get them unloaded and put into place.  I painted an outline on the grass so I could follow the shape of the rock bed I wanted.
Above is an area next to my patio.  I planted these flowers this past weekend.  Again, more rocks.  I love my little frogs purchased from Old Time Pottery.  Hubby likes frogs for yard art and I'll have to admit, I like them too.
My neighbor had watering cans full of flowers on her patio and I loved them.  I had to fix one for my deck.

I love roses.  My mother-in-law purchased this rosebush before she passed away and while living with us in her last years.  It smells divine.  She loved roses and grew the most beautiful ones I've ever seen. 
Potted petunias on the deck have spilled over the sides and I love their vibrant colors.
Hanging baskets of flowers just add happy to the patio area.  Here's my pink.
And red...The white thing you see to the left is a metal butterfly hung on the brick.
Last, but certainly not least, I'd kept a pair of Andrew's rain boots that he'd outgrown, punched holes in the bottom for draining, filled them with potting soil and then planted flowers in them.  I got the idea from a blog I follow.  The blogger did hers in April and hung them on her front door.  I wanted mine on the patio where I see them every day.  She had painted hers, but I didn't because Andrew loves camo.  One boot appears larger than the other, but it's not; it's just the angle at which the photo was taken.

You'll notice there's only one picture of the yard.  I got carried away with the flowers near the house.  Ha Ha.   I'm sure I'll post pics of the yard another day.

I'm not sure I'll be working in my yard today.  The garden needs to be hoed.  Joy joy.

Here's hoping your day is filled with things you love.


Decor & Harmony said...

I love gardening too! Great pics and cute idea with the boots :)

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I love, love your yard, sweet friend! And the fact that you planted it all, laid it all out, is just fabulous! How proud of it you must be. The labor is all worth it when you see it now. I need to come see you!!!

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

P.S. The weeping willow is one of my favorite trees. We saw some enormous ones in the Chicago area when we were there. Wish I had one.

Gayle said...

Wow! What a green thumb you have! I'm thinking a "bed and breakfast" maybe. You're so gifted, and so BLESSED to see that every day. Hugs to you, sweet friend!