Monday, April 30, 2012

End of April?

Oh my goodness.  Where has this month gone?  Seems just yesterday we were celebrating Easter.  Now here it is the last day of April.  

I've worked some in the yard.  Haven't planted any flowers, but cleaned out the flower beds and piddled around.  I'm still trying to decide what I want to add this year.  One thing that needs to be added is more pea gravel unless Hubby rewires our outside lights.  I don't like seeing the wires...The pea gravel has settled which caused the wires to be exposed.

My roses at the front porch are blooming.  There's an "old-fashioned" Lincoln rose which is the taller one.  The ones to the right are Knock Out roses.  I shouldn't have planted both here, but it's too late now.  I'm afraid moving either of them would do damage.

My peonies - not a good photo, but they smell so good.

This clemitis (sp) is one of my favorite colors.
A close-up of a rose - I just had to include it here.  It was taken with my cell phone camera.

More knockout roses.  These are in the back yard in the pea graveled area.  The recent cool weather stunted my grass.  Is stunted a Southern word?

These are just some of the blooms I've enjoyed so far.  There are others, but I will share them later.  I thinks this is enough for one post.

Here's hoping May will bring more blooms, rain when needed and sunshine! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those are all'd have to smile just walking around the yard... I remember Nannie going out EVERY morning and seeing what had changed