Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.  Our grandson was here Sunday afternoon so we had an egg hunt and Easter dinner.   We're still enjoying the leftovers and I'm loving not having to cook for a day or two.
Andrew found an egg and looks like he's deep in thought about what may be inside.
Pa and Andrew are playing with a toy left by the Easter Bunny.

Another photo of Pa and Andrew...
Nana had to help open the Easter Basket which was taped beyond necessary.  Andrew and his Dad supervise.

 Something was funny.  I love it when Andrew laughs.   It makes me happy.

 Andrew and his dad, Greg.  They had fun finding eggs and spending time together.

After the egg hunt, I cooked dinner.  We had ham, chicken 'n dressing, potatoes, pineapple casserole, mac 'n cheese and rolls. Oh, we also had deviled eggs.   By the time I cleaned up the kitchen I was exhausted and went to bed for some much needed rest. 

Hubby and I missed having Jon and his wife with us for Easter.  Hopefully they'll make it next year. 

1 comment:

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I'm late reading this, but so enjoyed seeing how you spent the day. Andrew makes me smile, too.