Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I'm sitting in bed with the laptop listening to rumbles of thunder.  I'm hoping we don't have any bad weather.  My prayers are with those in the Dallas area who were affected by the tornadoes.  Thankfully no lives were lost.

Sometimes it feels as though there are tornadoes ripping through my life.  My thoughts are going in every direction, crashing into each other and I can't seem to stop them.  Why is that?  Maybe it's because I've spent most of the week in bed not feeling well and have too much time to think.  Should I do this, or that, or the other?  What if, well maybe, no, yes, oh just forget it.  I don't like feeling like this.  I can't seem to focus on any ONE thing.  I feel restless.  Maybe that's because I'm wanting to go visit my parents and can't right now.  It's hard not to be able to do what I want when I want to.  Most of the time I handle it well, but not this time.

I want to see my brothers and sister and spend some time with them - longer than just a couple of hours.  Time flies by so quickly.  It's been almost four months since I've seen them and that's just too long.  It's hard being so far away.  Guess I'm just homesick!  Below is a picture of my sweet parents with their children and their spouses.  The first couple standing is my brother Johnny and his wife, Teresa.  Next is Leslie, wife of my brother, David, then my sister Ruth and her husband, Rickey, then there's me in the green shirt and my husband, Dale.

I'm hoping I can go visit them soon. 

1 comment:

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I'm wishing you happy thoughts and brighter days, sweet friend. Much love!