Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday's Ramble

Hubby, Greg and Andrew have gone to the car show and I'm enjoying some alone time which allows me to straighten up the house.  Everyone needs alone time now and then.   It gives me a chance to think and regroup.  I'm glad my guys had some "just guy" time together.

Yesterday was such a beautiful day.  I spent most of the day outside with Andrew.  We had a blast.  He helped me pull weeds from the flower beds, fed them to the horses and then proceeded to tell me that he was tired.  "Nana, I've been working all day.  I'm tired."   I said, "Andrew, what have you been working on?"  He said, "monster trucks."  LOL  There's always something new coming from his sweet little mouth.  I cannot believe he'll be three years old this week.  Where does the time go?  Seems just yesterday he was a tiny baby.   There's nothing quite like his hugs and kisses.  He fell asleep in my lap last night while watching fire trucks on you tube.

I'm trying to sign off the computer so we can go to bed.  Love how his little hand is resting on my arm.

My break from housecleaning is over.  Enjoy your Sunday and stop to thank God for your blessings and for those who love unconditionally. 


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

That photo made me all teary-eyed. I know your heart burts with love for that little guy. It is obvious he is crazy about you, too. What special times to remember.

Anonymous said...

priceless photo... glad you have Andrew to keep you smiling... 0)