Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Little Bit of Rambling

After spending nearly a week in bed, I felt better today and did not have to lay down at all.  Thank God.  It's getting time to go to bed though because my energy is gone and I'm having some pain.  It's nothing like it has been though.

I've been busy today going through pictures - not online.  Mom had a lot of pictures and newspaper clippings she'd kept over the years.  There are so many things that need to be put into a scrapbook.  Maybe some day I'll do that.  I found tons of pictures that I had taken that never made it to a photo album.  I've put them in those photo storage boxes for now.  I've emptied a large plastic storage tub so far so I am slowly making progress.  I have another tub to go through, but I think most of the pictures in it are in frames.

Looking at photos from years past brings back many memories.  There are so many photos of the boys as they were growing up.  Reminds me again how time flies.   Seems just yesterday we were taking them to ball practice and ball games.  Now they are 30 and 25.  WOW.  I blinked and they were grown.  They'll always be my babies though and I'll always love them unconditionally.


1 comment:

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I almost can't look at old pictures anymore. They send me into a tearful state of being. :)