Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Priceless Quilt

As far back as I can remember, I have known Ruth Allen who has been like another mom to me.  I always called her Sister Allen because growing up, children did not all adults by their first name.  Ladies who went to our church were call Sister "last name".  Men were called, Brother "last name".  Any other adults were called Mr. or Mrs. "last name".  We had manners back then and respected adults.  That's a blog for another day...back to my post today.

Sister Allen has three beautiful daughters.  Her oldest is Elaine and that's why Mother named me Elaine.  She also has twins, Dayle and Gayle.  Brother and Sister Allen pastored our church back before I even started school.  Over the years, our families have remained close and stayed in touch.  To the Allens, I am Sissy.  It feels strange if they call me Elaine.  Mother named my sister Ruth, after  Ruth Allen. I even spent a summer with them at their home in Texas.  I have so many fond memories of times spent with them over the years.  Very dear friends they are.  They're more like family.

Last November my parents came to my house for my son's wedding.  After the ceremony, Mother asked me to come upstairs.  She said she had a present from me, but wouldn't tell me who it was from.  She said I had to guess.  When I opened the bag, this is what I found.

I immediately knew who it was from and that Mom Allen had made it herself.  Mother handed me a note from Mom Allen and I could hardly read it through my tears.  This quilt means so much more to me than just something to keep me warm.  It's a king sized quilt.  It took a very long time to make and a lot of hard work.  Needless to say, there is no amount of money that could buy this quilt.  Every time I crawl into bed, I think of Mom Allen and the love she put into the quilt she made just for me.  I can imagine the prayers she prayed for me as she was making it.   Here's a block that I know she put in the quilt as a message to me.

See the hearts?  I've checked the quilt and there are only TWO of these heart blocks on the entire quilt!
I know she wanted me to know she put tons of love into making the quilt.  She wanted me to know she loves me too.  I knew that without the quilt, but to be able to look at it, crawl into bed and cover up with it just makes me feel extra special. 

She also included a block on the quilt that alludes to my love for gardening, etc.  Maybe it was used because of that or for Hubby or for Andrew because he loves tractors.
She is a very talented seamstress.  She made most of the clothes for her girls.  My sister and I were blessed to get the twins' clothes when they'd outgrown them.   Oh for the good old days and making memories and friends that last a lifetime.

I wish I had the ability to put into words how special this quilt and the lady who made it are to me.  I don't, but I think she knows how much.  She and her husband are people I have always admired and  I feel the same way about their girls even though I seldom get to see them.  I'm hoping my sister and I can visit with them sometime this year.

That's my ramble for today.  I changed the sheets on my bed this morning and took pictures of the quilt.  I'd been meaning to for some time, but never stopped long enough to do so until this morning.  I knew then what I would blog about today.

I hope you have something and someone as special in your life!


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Dear Sissy, this post made me cry. What a wonderful tribute to my mom. You and your family are so special to our family. Lifelong friends, but more like family. We love you always.

Gayle said...

This post made me cry, too, Sissy. You are such a special person, and your family means so much to all of us. I hope the quilt keeps you warm in every way. Hugs!