Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Everywhere I look around my yard, I see signs of spring.  My weeping willows have tiny green leaves, my flowering peach tree is blooming, my magnolia bushes are beginning to bloom and there are shoots from planted bulbs popping through the ground.  I love it.  Give me some color other than gray, brown and dead looking outside and my heart immediately feels happy no matter what's going on in life. Although I'm sick and can't get outside to piddle, just knowing spring is trying to make its entrance even if it is February, gives me something new to think about.  Something happy.  (I'm sitting here in the chair with the TV off, gazing out the window.)  The wind is blowing and I opened the patio door so I can hear the wind chimes.  Love them.

I finished reading my book, The Help, last night.  It was a wonderful book.  My friend, Tammy, has the movie and offered to let me borrow it.  I plan to do just that.  I love to read a good book.  It's kind of sad though when the last page has been read.  I don't want the story to end. 

It's time to make myself get busy whether I feel like it or not.  I must get some things done today.  My Andrew will be here tomorrow night. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday.