Saturday, March 3, 2012


What is sweeter than a little boy and his dog.  This is my grandson, Andrew with Murphy.  He loves her to death and Murphy loves him to death. 

Hubby and I took Andrew to an observation place at the Nashville Airport today.  He loved watching the planes taking off and landing!  We stopped at the store afterwards and he got juice and candy.  Then we had to stop at another place for Hubby and Drew found an 18 wheeler that had 4 trucks on it and of course he wanted it.  He was so sweet.  Of course he took the truck to the checkout and brought it home. 

He's learned to use the potty chair!  I'm so proud of him.  He tells me when he has to go.  There've been a couple of accidents, but that's okay.  It's just part of the process.  It happens when they're ready.
He tells me he's a big boy.  I say, "but you're still Nana's baby".  He agrees and I love it.

It's such a lovely day here and I'm so glad we got to enjoy part of it outside.  Hope your day is pleasant and that you do something you enjoy.


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

That picture is totally precious. I wish I could give both dog and boy (Nana's baby) a big hug. And Nana!

Nana B said...

We'd all like a hug from you, my dear friend!