Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good Day

I had errands to run today and my DIL, Brenda, agreed to go with me.  Some of the errands involved coupons so her assistance was greatly appreciated.  We saved $50+ today on groceries!  Every little bit I save helps.

In an effort to feel better about myself, I got my nails done today.  It's been so long since I did that with the intention of going for regular fill-ins.  The nails were $20 and fill-ins are $12.  I'm hoping I can keep them done this time.  It's been so long since I wanted to do anything for myself.  As a treat to Brenda, I had hers done as well.

Yankee Candle had a 75% off sale, so I splurged and bought 3 candles.  I enjoy burning candles and with dogs in the house, it can't hurt to have a pleasant scent around.

Michaels had some yarn on sale for $1.00, so I bought 3 of them to crochet into something - probably dish rags.

If you notice, there's a pattern here to my shopping and sales.  The sales have to be really good to get my money and it must be something I really need or want.  There's not much I want which is a good thing, because I can't afford to buy many wants.  I don't mind.  I have everything I need, but every now and then it feels good to go spend a little on a want (candles and yarn).  I'm over the years of "I like that, I want it".  I've found that wants tend to clutter a house or get stuck in a closet somewhere and even if I had the money, I can't justify spending it on something that I don't need.  It's amazing how I consider every purchase I make now.  Hitting rock bottom financially gave me a good old slap in the face and a wake-up call.

Jon and Brenda had supper with us tonight and they are spending the night here.  I love it when they're able to do that.  Greg hung with us until 10 and then headed off to bed.  He has to work tomorrow, of course, and is very careful to make sure he gets to bed before late.  I love my family.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be a rather slow day for me.  With fibro, it doesn't take much to wear me out and normally after a day like today, I won't feel like doing anything at all tomorrow.

All in all, today has  been a good day and Lord knows I needed a good one.  We had tornado warnings while we were out and about, but it didn't slow us down.  We were safe inside Walmart!  Thank God for safety  Once the storms blew through, cold weather blew in.

That's about it for today.  Hope your day was lovely.

Be safe~!

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